Swaziland is a small landlocked Kingdom surrounded by South Africa and Mozambique, blessed with great natural beauty and friendly welcoming people. Being one nation with one tribe has allowed Swaziland to hold onto traditions and culture with pride and unity. There are four distinct regions in Swaziland that vary from lush
forest in the north west to dry savannah in the east. Weather is mild,
with summers that are hot and wet and winters that are dry and cool. The
mix of African sun, soil and weather allows the growth of luscious
vegetables and fruits that are cultivated by local farmers (75% of the
population live in rural areas, Unicef Statistics 2007) and used by
Eswatini Kitchen in the production of scrumptious natural food.
A peaceful transition from being a British Protectorate to
achieving independence is evident in the lack of animosity between the
people living in Swaziland. Whilst war is unheard of, the country
struggles with poverty and extreme Aids rates. Swaziland has a
population of 1 million people, 70 % of whom live below the poverty
line. The combination of extended drought, poverty and the high
prevalence of HIV/AIDS makes survival in this country very challenging
for a significant portion of the population. Initiatives such as
Eswatini Kitchen are actively working towards improving the lives of
underprivileged communities and contributing to the sustainable
development of the country.
For extensive information about Swaziland, please visit the official site www.welcometoswaziland.com |